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Posted at: 22 May, 2024 | Category: Digital Marketing | Author: DSOM

SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. It is basically the use of Social Media sites to manage and enhance the organization’s message and their presence on the online platforms.

SMO can be used to increase awareness of new products and services and to connect with the customers. It basically refers to the process of optimizing your Social Media presence and content to increase brand awareness, engage with your audience, drive traffic to your website and ultimately achieve your business goals.


Strategies and tactics involve by SMO

SMO involves various strategies and tactics which aims at enhancing your visibility and performance on Social Media platforms. These strategies include: -

1. Profile Optimization - It ensures that that your Social Media profile is complete and accurate. This includes relevant keywords, high quality images etc.

2. Content Optimization – It includes creating and sharing valuable, relevant and engaging content which matches with your target audience.

3. Audience Engagement – It says that you should actively engage with your audience by replying comments, mentions, messages etc...

4. Hashtag Strategy – Hashtags are used to increase the discoverability of your content and to reach a wider audience.

5. Social Media Advertising – It is paid advertising options on Social Media platforms to target specific audiences, promote your content and invite traffic to your website or landing pages.



Managing multiple Social Media accounts can be a bit challenging, but there are several tools available to make this process easy. Some effective SMO tools are –


1. Hootsuite – It is one of the most popular SMO tools which allows you to schedule posts, track analytics, and manage multiple accounts across various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and many more.

2. Buffer – Buffer is another one of the widely used SMO tool which is used across nation. The tool is basically used for scheduling posts on multiple Social Media platforms. It also provides the analytics and gives the leverage to collaborate with the team members.

3. Later – Its primarily focused on visual content for Instagram but it also supports other Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest but its primarily focus is on only Instagram.

4. Schedule – It is a marketing calendar tool that integrates with major Social Media platforms. It allows you plan, schedule and automate Social Media campaign’s alongside with other marketing activities.

5. Sensible – It is a Social Media tool which is suitable for agencies and businesses. It offers monitoring, scheduling, analytics and CRM integration across multiple Social Media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and many more.

6. Sprout Social – It is also a SMO tool which offers features for Social Media scheduling, publishing, engagement and analytics. It supports majority of the social platforms.

7. Social Pilot – Social Pilot is completely known for its affordability and user – friendly interface. It supports scheduling, publishing and analyzing Social Media content across various platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

8. Tweet Deck – TweetDeck is owned by Twitter (X) and it is a free tool that allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts, schedule tweets, monitor feeds and engage with your audience in the real time.

9. Agorapulse – It also offers Social Media Management features like scheduling, publishing, monitoring and analyzing. It supports majority of the Social Media platforms and provides some advance features like social inbox and competitor analysis.

10. Zoho Social – Zoho Social is a part of the Zoho Suite of business tools and also offers monitoring, scheduling etc. It is also known widely for its CRM integration and collaboration capabilities.


NOTE: When consider the tool, consider factors like the number of Social Media accounts you need to manage, the platforms you use, your budget, and the specific you require for your Social Media strategy.