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SEO and its Tools

Posted at: 02 Jul, 2022 | Category: Digital Marketing | Author: DSOM
SEO and its Tools

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a process to improve website quality and web pages. SO that search bots can crawl and index web pages quickly, and site rank will be high.

Need for Search Engine Optimization

It is essential for Crawling the page; without these tools, a website cannot be ranked, and your web pages will not be searched in a search engine or found at the bottom on SERPs.

Google Algorithms:

Google Panda, Penguins, Humming Bird, Google Mobile Phone Algorithm, Rank Brain, Google Pigeon, Google Possum Algorithm, Medic, BERT, SMITH, MUM and many more.

Techniques of Search Engine Optimization

  • The white Hat technique follows all rules of the Google algorithm. This technique depends on hard work and quality of work. The white Hat technique takes 4 to 6 months.

  • Gray Hat follows some rules of the Google algorithm and sometimes breaks the rules. But maintain a balance of rule-following strings. Gray Hat takes less time rather than White Hat.

  • Black Hat does not follow the rules of the Google algorithm and tries to follow wrong or illegal ways of optimization. Black Hat optimization is done very fast, but it is not static.

  • A negative technique is used for dropping another website down. This is not a good practice.

On-page optimization

When we work on a web page to improve web page quality and user experience by making the webpage attractive, colourful, and quality work, it is called on-page Search Engine Optimization. Adding videos, images, maps, URLs, and HTML codes on web pages are parts of on-page.

Important Points

During the on-page optimization following points should remember:-


First of all, you have to choose a niche so that you can make a plan of your content according to your place. Without selecting a niche, you cannot write a good and centralized blog.


Using popular and good critical words brings web pages to a high rank. Keywords play an essential role in on-page optimization. You can check the critical words popularity on the Keywords planner tool.


Heading structure is essential for on-page. Headings are of 6 types, from H1 to H6. These heading have their fixed place. We cannot change them against the rule. 


The title tells the Search Engine what the topic is about. The title should have contained a maximum of 70 characters as per the Google algorithm.


Description plays an important role in rich snippets and tells Google bots what the article is about. Description presents the aim of a blog. A good description should be approx. 170 characters.                                                                                  

Good language

Good language is a vital part of on-page optimization because the content is king and most on-page technique depends on the content. If the language is good and without spelling mistakes, the content will be good on its own. 


Content should be plagiarism-free. Otherwise, the page will not be ranked. 

Length of content

Content length should be between 800 to 1000 words on average.

Alt text

Alt-text is also called Alternative Text. Alt Text is used for adding and describing images so that Google bots can detect that image.

Bold text, underline, and paragraph.

Content should be bold, Underlined, and in paragraph section. So that on-page optimization is done fast.

Tools of on-page Optimization

Free Tools

  • Sitemaps checker

  • Google keyword planner

  • Google Analytics Tools

  • Google plagiarism Checker

  • Moz on-page grader

  • Hub spot Website Grader

  • Google Search Console

  • Upcity Free Report Card

  • Internet Marketing Ninjas

  • Google Trends

  • Seobility

  • Google Developer Page Speed Insight

 Paid Tools

  • Copyscape

  • KW Finder

  • Growth Bar

  • Woorank

  • Linkody

  • Remove’em

  • Answer the public

  • Keyword Hero

  • SpyFu


Off-page Optimization

Off-Page optimization is the process of optimization which is practiced outside of our own website. The off-page depends connecting with other websites through links. Making backlinks, inbound links, outbound links, bookmarking sites, commenting, reviewing, and making profiles on other websites are part of the off-page technique.

How to do Off-page optimization?

  • Profile Backlinks

  • Inbound links

  • Outbound links

  • External links

  • Social bookmarking

  • Directory submissions

  • Blog posting

  • Blog Commenting

  • Review

  • Blog commenting

  • Guest Posting

  • Q & Ans site

  • Local business listing

Off-page Tools

  • Ahrefs

  • Majestic

  • Moz Link Explorer

  • Check my Links

  • Web Archive

  • Talkwalker Alerts

  • Screaming Frog Spider

  • Buzz Stream

  • Streak for Gmail

  • SEMrush



In conclusion, if you follow the Google algorithm honestly and write good content with deep knowledge, Your White hat on-page will be done quickly, but it can take time. For Off-Page optimization, make good quality backlinks and social bookmarking sites to promote your page.