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The Rise of Voice Search and its Impact on SEO

Posted at: 20 Jul, 2023 | Category: Digital Marketing | Author: DSOM
The Rise of Voice Search and its Impact on SEO

Voice search has been a ground-breaking trend in recent years, revolutionising how people interact with technology and obtain information. As smart speakers, virtual assistants, and other voice-enabled devices proliferate, more and more consumers are choosing voice search as a hands-free way to locate information and seek solutions. The rise in voice search usage has substantial effects on search engine optimisation (SEO), changing established SEO tactics and forcing companies to adjust to this new way of doing things. This blog will examine the development of voice search and how it affects SEO.


Understanding the Surge in Voice Search

Because it is quick, convenient, and has a conversational tone, voice search has become increasingly popular. The ability of technology to interpret human speech has significantly advanced, making it simpler for consumers to connect with devices naturally. People now rely on voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and others for everything from weather updates to grocery shopping.


Voice search's increasing popularity is closely related to the growing use of smart speakers. These voice-activated appliances, which offer instant access to information, entertainment, and smart home control, have become typical household items. The number of smart speaker owners in the US surpassed 60 million in 2020, according to a survey by NPR and Edison Research, demonstrating the quick expansion of voice-enabled devices.


The Impact on SEO

The rise in voice search usage is changing SEO strategies since it presents new opportunities and difficulties for companies looking to increase their online presence. Here are some significant effects voice search has on SEO:


  1. Long-tail Keyword Emphasis: Voice searches are typically longer and more conversational than conventional text-based searches. Natural language questioning by users makes it essential to optimise for long-tail keywords and phrases. Including frequently asked queries and expressions about your company or sector might increase the likelihood that voice search results will include your website.
  2. Featured Snippets and Position Zero: Featured snippets, which are succinct, direct responses to user inquiries displayed at the top of search engine results, are frequently read aloud by voice assistants. Businesses strive to get to "Position Zero" (the featured snippet), since it boosts their chances of being chosen by voice assistants to respond to voice queries.
  3. Local SEO Optimisation: Voice searches, such as "near me" searches, are widely used for local queries. Local businesses must therefore give local SEO efforts top priority if they want to guarantee that their websites show up in voice search results for location-based queries.
  4. Structured Data and Schema Markup: Search engines may better interpret and feature relevant material in voice search results by using structured data and schema markup to provide them additional context about your content.
  5. Mobile optimisation: Mobile devices are the most common platform for voice searches. Improving user experience and SEO performance requires that your website load quickly and be mobile-friendly.
  6. Produce information in Natural Language: Producing information in the natural language of voice searches can increase your likelihood of appearing in voice search results. Use language that addresses typical user queries and offers succinct, unambiguous solutions.
  7. Contextual Relevance: Voice search queries must take context into account. You can increase your chances of showing up in voice search results by comprehending user intent and offering thorough, contextually relevant material.



Adapting to the Voice Search Revolution

Businesses and marketers need to reconsider their SEO tactics in order to adapt to the rise of voice search and take advantage of its potential. Here are some practical strategies to voice search optimisation:


  1. Research Voice Search Queries: Perform research to find frequent voice search terms pertaining to your field and intended audience. Concentrate on queries and long-tail keywords that are conversational.
  2. Optimize for Featured Snippets: To improve your chances of appearing in the much sought-after Position Zero, organise your material to offer clear, succinct responses to frequent questions.
  3. Create Natural Language Content: Create material that adheres to natural language and responds to user intent. Prepare frequent inquiries your audience might have, then respond to them.
  4. Emphasize Mobile Optimization: Make sure your website is responsive to mobile devices, loads quickly, and provides a seamless user experience.
  5. Leverage Local SEO: If your company has a physical location, concentrate your local SEO efforts to draw customers using voice search who are looking for nearby services or goods.
  6. Implement Structured Data: To give search engines context and increase your chances of appearing in voice search results, use structured data and schema markup.



The emergence of voice search is changing the SEO landscape and posing a challenge to companies to modify their tactics to match the needs of this new technology. To succeed in the voice search revolution, you must emphasise long-tail keywords, optimise for featured snippets, prioritise mobile, and produce content in natural language. Businesses may effectively position themselves in the era of speech-powered search engines and voice assistants by understanding the effects of voice search on SEO and taking proactive steps to optimise for it, grabbing a larger audience and staying ahead of the competition.